Tag Archives: world class recruiting

How to Become a World Class Sourcer or Recruiter

So, you want to know how to become a world class sourcer or recruiter?

You’re in luck, because in this article, I explain precisely how to become one.

The good news is that all it takes is practice, and it doesn’t take 10,000 hours of practice either.

No one is born with a sourcing or recruiting gene, so no one is predispositioned for sourcing/recruiting greatness – it’s pretty much a level playing field without any significant barriers to entry.

The bad news (for some) is that it takes “deliberate practice,” which by design isn’t fun, is hard work, mentally challenging, and improves performance by design.

Read on, if you dare, to unlock the secret 8-factor deliberate practice formula for becoming a world class sourcer or recruiter. Continue reading