Tag Archives: Global Sourcing

Boolean Black Belt Website Visitor Analytics

I’ve been blogging since 10/2/2008.

Since then, my blog has had visitors from 9,704 cities in 171 countries around the world, and has been read in 90 languages.

I don’t blog to monetize my website – I write because I’m passionate about recruiting and technology. Okay, I may be a little obsessed too. Maybe more than a little. :-)

Because I am not a professional blogger, I’ve never really drilled into my website analytics beyond the basics. I recently had a friend ask me about the visitors to my blog, and I really couldn’t tell him much other than the obvious, which made me feel a little stupid. Okay, maybe more than a little.

So, I decided to dig into my website analytics and share with you what I found. I hope you find it as interesting as I do! Continue reading